Great app to keep as many photos as you like hidden from the eyes of the world!

Great app to keep as many photos as you like hidden from the eyes of the world!
So, this app is awesome! Never worry about who might see those embarrassing selfies, stupid pics of food, or those nudie photos to your special someone. You can store as many photos as you want in as many folders as you want. It’s super simple to use and it thinks far enough ahead to offer a decoy password! It even lets you know exactly who tried to access your vault, who was let in and who was denied access, and what time that nosy person tried to snoop around. Haha I definitely recommend this app. I love it 🙂
Does everything you’d want from it. Safe, protected storage, with slideshow features, photo edit, and allows you to safely delete from the camera roll.
I’d highly recommend this app.
It’s amazing! Arguably the best app in the store, the upgrade is what makes it truly fantastic. Anyone trying to get into your vault and gets the password wrong, gets their picture taken and location saved. So when you look at the break-in report you can see who tried to break in when and where! Its brilliant, I can secretly keep everything in one lock while I use a decoy pin code to make it seem theres nothing there.